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Houston Parents - Prepare Financially, Plan & Budget For the Future

There is no love greater than a parents love for their child, and, with that, also comes no greater worry than the thoughts of "Am I doing everything I can to protect and provide for my children...". Financial worry can lead to stress and leads you to not be as present as you want to be for your kids. With some planning, preparation, and discipline, some financial worry can be eased.

Are you planning to begin your family or are you preparing for your baby to head off to college in just a few short years? No matter where you are in parenting, Texas Bay is here as your financial partner through all of your little one's milestones. Follow along with Texas Bay Credit Union to learn more.

Planning and Budgeting

No matter what parenting milestone you are about to come to, there is one constant when getting ready for it. And that's setting your PLAN & BUDGET!

There are 4 things to create a solid plan to reach your financial goals.
  1. Budget Your Money Wisely & Make Sure to Save - 

    Create your budget that is manageable and automate savings into it.  Take a look at your expenses versus your income. Are you living within your means to reach your goals? Are there some items you can cut to save more? We offer banking, personal checking accounts, saving accounts, credit cards, and much more. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
  2. Watch Your Debt and Make Sure to Pay it Off-

    Are your interest rates through the roof? How much of your car, credit cards, or house payment are going to pay interest payments instead of the principal? Refinance your high interest auto or home loans to save more and pay down debt faster. Are you paying off your credit cards every month? Would consolidating your debt with a personal loan save you thousands of dollars  in the long run on lower interest fees?
  3. Know Your Credit Score and What it Means - 

    Do you know what is making up your credit score? Do you have the tools necessary to build your credit so you can enjoy the lower interest rates? 
  4. Invest In Your Future -

    Are you saving for your children's college now? What about a bigger home for your family? 
You can always call or visit a Texas Bay branch to have a one-on-one meeting with a Financial Team Member to gain knowledge and insight on how to build your budget, how to lower your debt, increase your credit score and find the right investment option to fit your family.  They will help create a solution to get you on the right path for success.

We are also happy to provide you with resources and videos to provide you with more Money Management  and Planning for the Future tips and advice geared specifically to you!  You can locate these right here on our website. Texas Bay Credit Union offers personal loans, auto loans, business loans, and more.


Choose the right loan to fit YOU! Don't overpay on interest!

Do your loans fit you? Do you have the loans you need to fit your needs? Are you paying too much on interest?

  1. Take a look at the loans you currently have and review the terms and conditions to make sure they fit you.
  2. Take a look at your families needs, do you have the loans you need to accomplish your short and long term goals?
  • Personal Loans

Can help consolidate debt, help with unexpected expenses, or for that family vacation at generally much lower interest rates than credit cards.
  • Auto Loan

Should you refinance your loan to acquire a lower interest rate and pay off your vehicle faster? What about getting that new car to fit your growing family or get that first car for that Sweet Sixteen!
  • Home Equity

Can help pay for those home repairs or even college tuition for the next term as well as help consolidate debt all at much lower interest rates than credit cards.

Make Finances Fun!

Banking isn't always boring, we can help make it fun for the whole family!

We get that banking can seem dreary to your children, but why not add a bit of fun to it? Create a chart to complete chores and have them deposit their earnings into a savings account. Make saving money enjoyable and something to look forward to by opening up a FREE savings account for your teen. Let them learn and understand financial literacy so they can prepare for their next step: Adulting. Adulting is hard. Banking doesn't have to be.

Financial Management on the go!

 Your life is busy, you're on the go, or at home with a little one and not sleeping much.  Whatever it is, the last thing you want to deal with is paying bills, depositing checks or investigating a transaction.  As a member of Texas Bay, you have access to our robust Digital Banking platform. 

Stay on top of your finances, budget, and goals from your laptop or mobile device. Our Digital Banking allows you to bank anywhere, anytime and provides you features such as:

  • Account management functions, so you're always in control:

    • Password Management is in your hands
    • Easily transfer money
    • Pay bills on the go
    • Access statements 24/7
    • And much more!
  • Money Management features to coordinate your financial future:

    • Budget, monitor spending, and establish savings goals
    • Compile your Texas Bay accounts and accounts from other financial institutions for a complete financial view
    • See where your money goes and take control of your spending by categorizing transactions automatically
  • Security measures to keep your information secure and private:

    • Can't find your card? Lock it instantly to prevent fraudulent activity. You can unlock your card just as quickly as you locked it should you find it.
  • And much MORE! Make your life easier and take advantage of these free digital banking features.

Financial Solutions For Parents in Houston, Texas!

You are focused on being the best parent you can for your children, lean on your financial partner to be by your side during this journey and Texas Bay will be right there with you every step of the way! We have solutions made simple with features to help you bank anytime, anywhere!

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Compare SAVINGS Options
Invest in your family's future with multiple options and competitive dividends to help you reach your goals!

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Low rates and flexible terms with protection packages available to create the loan that fits you.

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Do MORE with LESS time! Texas Bay's digital banking was made for you on the go.
Deposit checks from your phone, set up alerts, turn your card off and on if you suspect fraud

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