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Need a Hand with Your Finances?

Top-Rated Financial Partners For Young Adults at Texas Bay Credit Union

Are you searching for a reputable financial partner that understands young adults? Look no further than Texas Bay Credit Union. This is, without a doubt, an extremely exciting time in your life, you might have your first job, you might be preparing to go off to college, you might be saving to purchase your first car! With all these exciting firsts there can also come some confusion, but also the opportunity to really set your financial future on the right path and avoid some headaches and worries down the road.

Texas Bay takes being your financial partner seriously, and we want you to know that we are here to guide you and answer any questions you have along the way so you can achieve your goals.

Texas Bay is also on all major social media platforms! Follow us today to learn more financial tips to make your finances stress free and stay tuned for our giveaways, Furry Friend Fridays and MORE!


Ready to take action?

So what's the first step? EDUCATE & PLAN!!

Don't know where to start? Texas Bay has your back! We are happy to offer our members FREE Financial Wellness Checkups as your loyal financial partner. Let us guide you in what the best option for YOU is. Just like preparing to go off to college you have to increase your knowledge and create a plan on how to reach your goals. There are 3 things to create a solid foundation for your finances.

1. Budget & Save!

Create your budget that is manageable and build savings into it.  Whether you have a steady paycheck or you get paid for walking the neighborhood dogs, plan to save a certain % every time. 

Think you have more loans than you can handle? Don't know how to budget? Check out our Student Loan Calculator to help you figure out how much you can save after each monthly expense.

2. Watch Your Debt

Between student loans and credit cards, if you don't understand your debt, interest rates, payment schedules versus the amount of money you have coming in to pay your debts, you can get turned upside down very quickly. Remember, what you borrow today, you have to pay back tomorrow. Come by one of our branches today and sit with a Financial Team Member to get a FREE consultation on how to better manage your finances. Adulting is hard, but banking doesn't have to be. 

3. Understand Your Credit

Credit Scores? Test Scores? Are they the same? Yes! The higher your credit score is the better you are at adulting! Your credit score helps when deciding the next milestone of your life: a new car, a new apartment, or even a new house. Start building your credit now, so you can enjoy the perks later. Not sure where to start? Check out our starter loans.

Credit Scores also determine how much you will pay for things, including your cell phone! Understanding your credit and building your credit score will pay off dividends in the future.

Remember, you can always call or visit a Texas Bay branch to have a one-on-one meeting with a Financial Team Member to gain knowledge and insight on how to build your budget, how to limit your debt and how to build your credit.  They will help create a solution to get you on the right path for success.

Busy? Can't come in? Send a text to Your Financial Partner! It's as easy as saying hello! Adulting is hard. Banking doesn't have to be. 

We are also happy to provide you with resources and videos (English and Spanish) to provide you with more Money Management tips and advice geared specifically to you, our youth!  You can locate these right here on our website. For more information about our financial partners for young adults, contact us today.

Do you know how many scholarships are awarded every year?

College might seem too expensive to attend or you are worried about student loans and debt, but are you taking advantage of all the scholarship opportunities out there?

Did you know that in the 2020-2021 school year 1.7 million scholarships were awarded and there was $2 BILLION of unclaimed scholarship money?

Don't miss out on scholarship money to pay for your education! There are tons of resources available online to locate scholarships that you qualify for. 

Did you know Texas Bay awards scholarships to 5 Seniors every year?

Life is busy and hectic, but are you also carving out some time to give back?

We know you have school, studying, athletics, extracurriculars, friends and family...and also the ever important eat and sleep on your to do list every day.

Have you thought about volunteering some time to give back in your community? We all know it looks good on those college applications, but don't stop just because you got into college! Volunteering also helps build your work history and builds a great reputation for you in your community, all while helping others.

You can continue the credit union movement of "people helping people". Check out the volunteer website below to find opportunities that interest you and begin today. 

Financial Partners for Young Adults!

We Have Financial Solutions Made For You!

You are ready to begin your financial journey, and Texas Bay is ready to be right there with you every step of the way! We have solutions made simple with features to help you bank anytime, anywhere!

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Share Savings Account
Begin building your savings with just $1!

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It's simple, with all the tools you need to bank anytime, anywhere.
As the official credit union of the Houston Astros we are also excited to offer you EXCLUSIVE Astros debit card designs to choose from!

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Get paid to learn financial literacy with Zogo! Zogo is a free financial education app that rewards you for learning. Take control of future and learn how to save, invest, build credit, and more!

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Ready to begin your credit journey? A Starter Loan is a simple way to establish your credit history with a smaller, manageable loan so you're ready for larger loans in the future.

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Want to buy your first car, but not sure where to start? Our First Time Buyer Auto Loan is designed to help those with little or no credit navigate the car-buying process.

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Do MORE with LESS time! Texas Bay's digital banking was made for you on the go.
Send and receive money with Zelle®deposit checks from your phone, set up spending alerts to help you stay on your budget, turn your card off and on if you suspect fraud and SO MUCH MORE!!!

Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.

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